Monday, December 1, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination?

I am try my best to be proactive but most of the time, I will procrastinate. Sometimes when I have no idea what to do I procrastinate but most of the times I will ask for help or try to solve it alone. I am proactive some times because I try to finish my work and I try to make it my best work. I will try not to procrastinate although I do. I have been proactive on most of my big school projects but some, I have procrastinated. The current school project that we are working on, I will try my best to be proactive and not procrastinate.

I always try to be proactive and I am most of the time. When I am productive, which is most of the time, I have a lot of free time which makes me bored, it kind of makes me wish there was more work to do, but, Im happy that there isn't a lot at the same time. It always pays off when you are proactive. Sometimes I am a procrastinator so I dont have a lot of free time. Although when I am proactive, I am really bored.

What I would change about my habits, I guess I would change the fact that I always end up doing most of the work at the last minute. Only on some of my projects have I waited 'till the last minute to finish up. But theres only a little amount of work to do, when its last minute. I honestly think I am a procrastinator but i have always tried my best to be proactive. I have and will always try my best on all my work.

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