To start off our first Photoshop project of the year, we had to first, of course, create a new document. Next, we had to copy and paste our manifesto and personal quotes that we came up with a few weeks ago. After that we started kerning our words to make them fit the page. After about a day of kerning, we added in the images in the background. Three of the images are symbols that symbolize our selves. The fourth picture was a portrait of our selves. After we added in all the images we got back to kerning. Kerning took up the most of the time we worked on this. The next step was to add color! We had to have a stroke, bevel and emboss, outer glow, and a drop shadow effect on our text. Then we needed to add the color by using a triadic color scheme. The last step was to play with the color balance to match the color scheme. After that we just needed to turn them in and finally, we were finished.

In my opinion, Photoshop is an amazing program but, when it comes to projects and due dates, it can get pretty stressful. I find Photoshop projects to be challenging so there not exactly my favorite thing to work with but I still find it fun. This was the first project of the year so I didn't expect many people to finish, including me, but somehow I managed to turn it in on time. I ended up getting a four out of four grade and I agree with that because I worked really hard and tried my best to meet all the requirements. The thing I found challenging the most was kerning. Kerning took the longest and that's probably why some people didn't finish. I went in during recess and lunch a lot so I think that's why I finished on time. I also tried not to be absent at all so I wouldn't be behind. Another thing I did that Mr. Sanderl said to do was to kern one line at a time. This was a very, very, stressful project because it was our first. To make it even worse, it was due on the day of mid - quarter. So that means anything and everything we turned in from the first day of school, to that day, counted as our grade. Of course mid - quarter grades don't matter that much but still, I know everyone in GT wants a good grade weather its mid - quarter or not. GT can cause us to stress, but it is fun and so worth it. To prevent myself from stressing way to much, I just think of my friends. As cheesy as it sounds, its true. My friends are always there either to help me get my job done or to help me recover from my sadness of getting a bad grade. I guess thats how I solve all of my GT stress issues. Overall, I think this project was pretty fun, but I can't wait until our group projects come along.
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