Recently, in our GT class, we have been working on coding. We made a simple chase game and mine is a polar bear chasing a penguin. User experience did effect how I made my game. For example, the way my sprites looks. The polar bear was originally just a happy little bear but then I made him look a little more intimidating by adding eyebrows. Another thing I changed was the timer. I added in a timer because the game is very simple and a little boring. I thought by adding in a timer it would make the game a little more exciting. In my platform game, I decided to make the duck appear at the bottom of the screen after touching the dot so ti wasn't so easy to win. The duck itself didn't change its looks at all. Maybe if I changed it's costume when it fell that would make it a little more interesting.
My chase game is about a penguin that saw a polar bear ad started to run. Its as simple as that. I made the background change maybe around 5 times. In my platform game, a duck is flying from cloud to cloud trying to get to the purple dot in the sky. Both my games are pretty simple but their unique. My platform game has many levels and only changes the background about 3 times. By many levels, I mean the levels just keep going until the timer hits zero. If you get past 3-5 levels, you win! My penguin changes it's costume from normal to wide-eyed. As I said before, my duck doesn't change it's costume but the penguin does.
My best code that I was most proud of was probably the way my penguin moves. It moves very smoothly which I'm proud of. Although, I may have just copied the code from Ashley's screen so it wasn't very difficult. But another thing I'm proud of, is my duck because it jumps, and lands on platforms and ground rather than falling through it. Im very proud of that. It took me a while to work out how it works but in the end I got it. The most difficult bug to work out was the jumping as well. I mean the duck fell through the floor. Another bug was trying to get the duck to say "Next Level!" when it touched the dot. For some reason it wouldn't but it would change the background but in the end I fixed it.
My best code that I was most proud of was probably the way my penguin moves. It moves very smoothly which I'm proud of. Although, I may have just copied the code from Ashley's screen so it wasn't very difficult. But another thing I'm proud of, is my duck because it jumps, and lands on platforms and ground rather than falling through it. Im very proud of that. It took me a while to work out how it works but in the end I got it. The most difficult bug to work out was the jumping as well. I mean the duck fell through the floor. Another bug was trying to get the duck to say "Next Level!" when it touched the dot. For some reason it wouldn't but it would change the background but in the end I fixed it.