Friday, October 23, 2015

Cracking the Code

We have started a new project, well two new projects I guess. One of the projects we have started, which is what I will talking about in this post, is coding. The other project we are working on will be revealed later. For now lets just talk about the coding. We have not really got into the project yet, and its not really a project, its more like something we are studying and learning like any other class. But this involves games. Yeah, we aren't a normal class if you couldn't tell by now. But thats what makes it awesome. Anyway I think everyone should learn coding, or at least a few things about it.

My first experience with coding was most likely in this class. I probably have done some coding before or at least I've seen it before, but I wouldn't remember that. When we did the coding lesson in this class, which was about a week ago, it was pretty difficult for me. I mean it was easy at first but as I got farther and farther into it, it was difficult. Eventually I got through it. In my opinion it was fun. What we had to do was move codes into certain spaces to make a little angry birds character move in order to get a pig. There were codes like move left or move right but thats not what it looked like. It looked more like "moveleft();" or something like that. I don't really remember. But when I first attempted to move my little anger bird I got it. I think everyone did in fact. It was pretty simple. Doing this small lesson taught me at least the basics of coding I guess. It was pretty easy and anyone can do it. I find it fun, you may not if you ever try it but I suggest if you haven't, you should, because its very fun to make your idea into something real.

If I could create any program, game, or app, I would create an app that helped you find a matching pair of socks. I mean finding socks that go together or one left and one right sock that goes together in the morning is very difficult in my opinion. I have to go through trying on different sock trying to find which one is a left sock and which on is a right sock. It also takes me forever to find matching pairs of socks. My socks get mixed around and I can never ever find matching pairs. So, if there was an app to take a picture of your socks and match them together would be great! The way it will work is when you first get it, you need to have all of your socks and you need to take an individual picture of each one. Then you will match the socks together and it will know which one is matching. If it were possible, I would also add something in that app to help find the socks. Then the next morning all you have to do is find one sock, match it with the image then the app will find your matching sock! It kind of sounds like a dating app, but for socks.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

SacramedD_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.

From this comedy project, we have learned many things, especially the sixth graders. I say that because it's their first year in this class. But I have learned how to write a comedic monologue, even if I'm not so great at it. Iv'e also learned a few things about the cameras. I know its my second year so I'm most likely expected to know quite a few things in this class, but last year I was always lost when it came to the cameras, although this year, it is very clear to me. Iv'e learned how to use the magnification setting on the cameras. Iv'e learned how to make a GIF as well. Last year I made one too but if you look at it, its obvious I didn't know what I was doing. I think thats all Iv'e learned this year so far but I'm sure I'm missing some thing.

When filming this we must use something called "padding." A few of us learned to do this in a media camp we went to in summer, but not everyone knew it. Padding is went you press record, you wait 3 second until your subject moves or does its action then say "action!" When you say action, that is a signal telling your subject to move, but I'm sure you knew that. After the action in the video is over, you say "cut!" or "stop!" or something to tell the subject the video is over. But, before you say that, you must wait three more seconds. If you wait three seconds, the risk of cutting the person off is lower. What I mean is, when you press record the camera takes a few seconds to actually start recording. So if you don't wait those three seconds, you could possibly lose the beginning of your video.

In this project I had many things go wrong but some how I managed to finish on time. For example, one day Jhoanna checked out a camera to use. She got a ride with me and we went to my house. We filmed a few things for her and a few things for me. The next day she went to import the footage into IMovie. Unfortunately, she only imported it to her computer. She tried to send me my footage but that didn't work. So I had to film that part again. It was a struggle trying to find a day to get a camera because that was the one week I was busy. So one of my weaknesses was trying to find time. One of my strengths was maybe editing. I think if I had a little more time in editing, I would have done a little better. I think I could improve in many ways, but one way would be in the filming. I need to improve in finding better shots and angles. Overall, I liked this project. It was a challenge for all of us, and I'm glad its over. I mean trying to make a whole class laugh on your own is pretty hard. If I were with friends, it would have been a lot funnier.