P1T5 Live While We're Young from
Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on

For our last GT project of the year, or in most of our cases, our last GT project ever, we are creating a music video. My teammates are
Shaday, and
Kyllie. The four of us decided to do the song "Live While We're Young" By One Direction. Honestly not a song I would listen to but we chose this song because of what its about. We want to show people who watch our music video that we should all live while were young and not take everything so seriously. Having fun with you're friends while you still have the spare time is stress relieving. We also thought it would be something fun to do together before we move on to high school. We plan on filming us having fun and we can't do that without actually having fun together. Due to having to film this music video, we got to spend a lot of time together, play games, eat candy, and much more. I think this song was a good pick for our last GT music video. We may as well leave happy.

Our story was pretty easy to figure out. Obviously, the songs about having fun in your youth, so our story is about the exact same thing. We plan on it being about students who are excessively stressing over work and grades only to realize it really doesn't matter that much. Sure, you should focus on your studies but still, you're not in the real world just yet so why not have some fun. If you're going to cause trouble and create huge messes you may as well do it while you're young. Anyway, Shaday and I are meant to be stressing over our work when we decide not to do it. We straight up walk out of the room and go to another classroom to sneak out our two friends, Kyla and Kyllie. We basically skip school. But its okay, its just a music video. Afterwards, we walk to the beach and have fun there and we're no longer tense. Later in the video we have Kyllie stressing out over her homework and Shaday, Kyla, and I sneak her out of the house so we can go have fun. We go to the bowling alley, the mall, and just have fun. Filming this is basically an excuse for us to have fun together. It is our last project in GT for good though so may as well make the most of it.

Overall, I do think this music video showcased my best work and my team's best work. I really did put effort into finishing my music video poster and I think Kyllie did learn something about Photoshop when doing this project. I think Shaday was our main editor really and she showed off with how good she is at editing. She really does pay attention to detail and put 100% of her effort into this project. Kyla also did great filming. Kyla mostly helped with the camera but she also did edit as well. I do think Kyla and Shaday contributed the most in this project. I tried my best to keep every show clear but other than that, I didn't really touch or position the camera. I think Kyllie also contributed, mostly on camera. Overall I can actually say Im proud of this music video. Even if some shots are dark and we only have a couple lip syncs, I really enjoyed filming this and the overall product wasn't too bad either.