P3T6 Jhoanna Discovers Personalities from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
A film festival is coming up soon so everyone in our class is making a film in attempt of being in it. We're working with teams of 2-4. I am working with Ashley, Kyla, and Jhoanna. We have to the choice to make a movie trailer, a sitcom, or an animation. We ended up with a drama soap opera. Not sure how but somehow we got there. Our soap opera is about Jhoanna being a new kid in the neighborhood and trying to make new friends. She has three little personality traits living in her mind who are going to be played by me, Ashley, and Kyla. Im playing her over dramatic side. Ashley's playing her clumsy side, and Kyla is playing her weird crazy wild fun side. Our keywords are personality, friends, yourself, and together. The reason we chose these words is because our purpose of the film is to show people that you should always be yourself and never act like your someone your not. Thats where yourself and personality comes in at least.

As I said before, our message we are trying to tell people is to be yourself and never act like your someone else. You should be proud of who you are and if people don't like you, then oh well because there are thousands of other people out there in the world. Kyla, Ashley, and I play the personality traits of Jhoanna. Im over-dramatic, Ashley is clumsy, and Kyla is weird. The story can get pretty confusing, but if you know that the three of us are in Jhoanna's mind, it makes a little bit of sense. The reason we went with this was
because our idea was to originally be a new student at school who is weird and has odd personality traits. Then we made a few changes and we got to where we are now. We decided to add in something about being yourself since it is about personality. That's when we added in making friends and trying to fit in. We think this would probably relate to our audience if they have ever been a new kid or if they have ever had a friend who's been a new kid.
The biggest problem we faced was trying to work with other people who are not in our group. The first day we filmed, we worked with 3 boys trying to get them to act in our film. In all honestly we all got so annoyed with them but in the end they pulled through and helped us. I was at Sophia's house with Shaday, Kyla, Jhoanna, and Ashley. Yes, Shaday and Sophia are not in our group but they still helped. We need some people to play as a group in our film, so, what we did was call over Sophia's brother, and two of his friends. It took us forever to get them to act for us. We originally wanted a girl to act in their little group but Shaday, the one girl, didn't want to play with a group of boys. The 3 boys played together but then one of them just randomly left in the middle of filming so we ended up with only two boys. But after we got the people settled, the filming turned out pretty okay. They cooperating and even kind of told us how to film things. But, those things were just really small things that we forgot of course. So, overall our main problem was working with other people who weren't in our group. The second group we filmed with did a better job than the first. We got Raiden, Shaday, and Harry. Harry is not a GT student but he's a close friend of Kyla's that we asked to help us. They cooperated pretty well and I think we did good. Of course we did have those moments when they didn't cooperate but that happened a very few amount of times.

As I said before, our message we are trying to tell people is to be yourself and never act like your someone else. You should be proud of who you are and if people don't like you, then oh well because there are thousands of other people out there in the world. Kyla, Ashley, and I play the personality traits of Jhoanna. Im over-dramatic, Ashley is clumsy, and Kyla is weird. The story can get pretty confusing, but if you know that the three of us are in Jhoanna's mind, it makes a little bit of sense. The reason we went with this was